ONE | Canberra Youth Christian Convention
ONE is the Canberra Youth Christian Convention that brings teenagers from all over Canberra and the surrounding regions together. We believe God has made us all ONE in Jesus and so we want to express that by getting together. We think the good news about Jesus is so good that all youth should hear it.

Andrew Robinson

Andrew Robinson has been sharing the story of Jesus with young people for a while now. He’s worked with uni students in Sydney and homeless people in Johannesburg, and as a School Chaplain in Canberra and Honiara, Solomon Islands.
He spends his time now as Chaplain at Canberra Grammar School in Red Hill and wrangling his two young kids. His wife Felicity works in international development and they both love seeing God bring change and hope to peoples’ lives.
Stay in touch
Date: Friday, 8 November 2019
When: BBQ and lawn games 6:15pm – 7pm (bring some coins)
Singing and talk 7pm – 9pm
Where: University of Canberra, The Boiler House Lecture Theatre.
Cost: Entry Fee $5

We’ve collected some useful tools to help you to get your youth to ONE! Check out our frequently asked questions first.
If you’re a youth leader or pastor, we would love to know that you’re bringing a group from your church! Tell us how big your group is and what church you are from.
If you’re a youth leader or pastor, we would love to know that you’re bringing a group from your church! Tell us how big your group is and what church you are from.

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