GROW 2023

Youth and Children's Ministry Training

'Everything has a Reason'

Saturday 29th July 2023

Bruce Linton

Bruce Linton has been in paid youth and children’s ministry since 1984 and feels like he is just starting to get the hang of it! Over the past decade it has been an increasing pleasure for Bruce to be involved in training leaders and is spurred on by the writer of Psalm 78 when he encouraged us with phrases like, “we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord”- he is keener than ever to get on with that great task. Bruce lives with his wife Jan, and they delight in their 4 children and 4 grandchildren (at last count).

Choose from one of our inspiring electives. Please note, some electives have a limited number of seats available due to room restrictions. Register early so you don’t miss out!

Practical ideas for structuring a program around your Bible theme 




This session will build on the big idea of the main session and give us lots of practical ways to put this into practice. In particular we will aim to help people learn how to develop and create their own games and activities to reinforce biblical teaching.

Everything has a reason with all ages together


Practical ideas, activities & programs that could be used in a service or any event to involve the whole church – children, youth & adults joining together.


(CMN/ Ages Church Coordinator)


(CMN/ Ages Church Coordinator)

Practical ideas, activities & programs that could be used in a service or any event to involve the whole church – children, youth & adults joining together.

Tools for inclusion – dealing with differences


Bernadette Hayes

(Embracing Ministries)

Andrea de Vaal Horciu

(Embracing Ministries)

God created us all in his image (Genesis 1:27).  We’ll look at how we can provide an inclusive environment that supports individual differences.  When we reframe how we think and what we do we can provide an inclusive environment that celebrates and caters for difference rather than seeing disability and difference as a deficit or something to be scared of. You’ll learn how to make adjustments to your programs to enable all children and teens to engage in meaningful ways on the same basis as their peers and to succeed. ADHD & ASD will be covered in this elective.

Engaging preteens to grow as disciples


10, 11, 12. These are awkward years. Not yet a teenager but craft probably doesn’t cut it anymore. How we can create environments and programs where preteen boys and girls are engaged in what we teach and are growing as disciples of Jesus.





10, 11, 12. These are awkward years. Not yet a teenager but craft probably doesn’t cut it anymore. How we can create environments and programs where preteen boys and girls are engaged in what we teach and are growing as disciples of Jesus.

How to engage Gen Z – who are they & how do we minister to and with them




Understanding Gen Z’s, who they are, what is their world like and how do we effectively reach & engage and unleash them as disciples of Jesus.

Being in the world of young people


Explore how the incarnation of Christ serves as the foundation for Young Life’s relational model of ministry. We’ll reflect on the motives and methods of Jesus – exploring how the priorities exemplified in the life of Christ can help us keep in step with the Father’s agenda. And share some simple tools to help shift the focus of your ministry from programs to people.


(Young Life)


(Young Life)

Explore how the incarnation of Christ serves as the foundation for Young Life’s relational model of ministry. We’ll reflect on the motives and methods of Jesus – exploring how the priorities exemplified in the life of Christ can help us keep in step with the Father’s agenda. And share some simple tools to help shift the focus of your ministry from programs to people.