Talks from 1 Thessalonians 1 & 2

Saturday September 21, 2024

Keynote Speaker

Dani Treweek

After graduating from Moore Theological College and serving in women’s ministry at St Matthias Anglican Church, Centennial Park, Dani PhD’s thesis on a theology of singleness was published as The Meaning of Singleness in 2023. She is the founding director of the Single Minded Ministry and works part-time as the Sydney Anglican Diocesan Research Officer. Dani is currently writing a commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians for the new Hodder Bible Commentary series. She spends the rest of her time writing, reading, speaking and training on singleness, sexuality, church community and more. She loves the musical Les Miserables, a good cup of chai and making her nephew and niece laugh.

Choose from one of our inspiring electives. Please note, some electives have a limited number of seats available due to room restrictions. Register early so you don’t miss out!

The Wonder of the Word


The Word of God had a profound impact on the Thessalonians. It convicted them, they received it with joy, it sounded out from them as they served the living and true God! But… What is the Word of God again? Why does it matter? And what about when sometimes the Bible is hard to understand? Or when some days reading it feels like a chore, not a joy?

This elective is for anyone wanting to check out or re-engage with God’s word. Let’s catch the joy of the Thessalonians!


Spiritual Motherhood

Panel of Canberran Women

In our individualistic society, we rarely feel ‘woven’ to others. People so often live life in silos, joining communities only when it’s convenient or there’s a common interest. But the gospel presents an entirely different vision of relationships. Paul shares not just the gospel, but his very self with the Thessalonians, caring for them as though they’re his own children. And for generations since Paul, Christian men and women have taken up the challenge of being spiritual parents to those outside their biological families.

In this elective we will hear stories of spiritual motherhood from a panel of Canberran women. We will hear of women who have shared the gospel and their very selves with others: mentoring, praying, laughing, crying… through the many ages and stages of life. Our panelists will share from their journeys as spiritual mothers themselves, and about the ‘mothers’ who have profoundly impacted their own lives.

People pleasing, pleasing God

Alli Muscat

In Galatians 1:10 the apostle Paul calls us to be ‘God pleasers’ instead of ‘people pleasers’, but so many Bible passages call us to love and serve others sacrificially and to actively seek to do good, which sounds a lot like pleasing people! Add to this the growing research and awareness of the detrimental psychological effects of ‘people pleasing’ to our mental health and relationships, and it’s no wonder many of us are feeling a little confused. In this interactive elective, we will tackle these issues as we delve into God’s word to see how pleasing God and loving others works together. We’ll be challenged to examine our hearts and reflect on helpful and unhelpful motivations for serving people and explore together what being a God pleaser might look like in our relationships.

Alli became a Christian at age 20 and is continually reminded how thankful she is to God for the way he has transformed her life over the many years since, and for his unfailing faithfulness through the ups and downs of this journey. She works as a chaplain in residential aged care and runs a private practice providing pastoral supervision and counselling services to people in Christian ministry. Alli is passionate to see people thrive in their ministry roles and grow in resilience and joy as they serve God and his people. She enjoys living in Sydney’s Inner West and attending All Saints Anglican Church in Petersham.

Alli became a Christian at age 20 and is continually reminded how thankful she is to God for the way he has transformed her life over the many years since, and for his unfailing faithfulness through the ups and downs of this journey. She works as a chaplain in residential aged care and runs a private practice providing pastoral supervision and counselling services to people in Christian ministry. Alli is passionate to see people thrive in their ministry roles and grow in resilience and joy as they serve God and his people. She enjoys living in Sydney’s Inner West and attending All Saints Anglican Church in Petersham.

Speaking The Truth in a sea of truths

Becky Lui

In every age, God has granted His people new ways and opportunities to testify to his glory.  In the midst of the current challenges we face as a society and the particular struggles we face as individuals, there is a rising awareness that when it comes to mission in the West, we need a shift from programs and rallies to personal evangelism.  In this elective, we will consider the Biblical frameworks that release us into joyful everyday evangelism and introduce practical tools to keep growing and encouraging each other in mission.

Becky Lui is a ministry wife, mother of 3 boisterous boys and Dean of Residents at Robert Menzies College (other mother to ~300 boisterous university students from over 40 different countries). She is passionate about cross-cultural evangelism and ministry to see the Revelation 7 picture in action, of people from every nation and tribe worshipping the Lord Jesus. She loves walking alongside uni students as they figure out the meaning of life and their place in society.  Her latest hobby is crocheting custom Pokémon and Minecraft amigurumi items for her sons.

Becky Lui is a ministry wife, mother of 3 boisterous boys and Dean of Residents at Robert Menzies College (other mother to ~300 boisterous university students from over 40 different countries). She is passionate about cross-cultural evangelism and ministry to see the Revelation 7 picture in action, of people from every nation and tribe worshipping the Lord Jesus. She loves walking alongside uni students as they figure out the meaning of life and their place in society.  Her latest hobby is crocheting custom Pokémon and Minecraft amigurumi items for her sons.

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